Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Tutorial Oct 4th .. Act 3: scene 1-2

Short Answer Questions - Act 3, Scene 1

1. When Cleomenes says "fertile the isle/the temple much surpassing", what is he referring to?

Cleomenes is refering to the divine home of the gods

2. In what city is the Oracle located?

The Oracle is located in the city of Delphi

3. In what country is the Oracle located?

The country where the Oracle is located is Greece

4. How many characters speak in Act three, scene one?

In act 3,scene one, two (2) characters speak

5. What is one of the topics of conversation between the men in Act three, scene one?

Making their way back from Delphi, the lords Dion and Cleomenes discuss events and express their hope that the message they bring from the Oracle will vindicate the unfortunate Hermione.

6. What do the men, in Act three, scene one, want the Oracle to say?

The men want the Oracle to proclaim Hermione's innocence

7. How do the men, in Act three, scene one, say the journey to the Oracle is?

The men state that the journey was very "celestial" meaning it as heavenly

8. Act three, scene one offers more support for the proposition that the king is the only person who thinks that Hermione is what?

Act 3, scene 1  shows that only the King regards Hermione as an adulteress

9. Who is the God the Oracle is dedicate to?

The god Oracle is dedicated to the great Apollo

10. What does "Apollo's great divine seal" refer to?

"Apollo's great divine seal" refers to the judgement that was passed by the Oracle that will reveal the truth

11. At the end of Act three, scene one, what do the men get to make their journey home faster?

At the end of Act 1 scene 1, the men get horses to make their journey faster

12. What do the men, in Act three, scene one, think of forcing faults on Hermione?

The men find that forcing faults on Hermoine to be unjust, and  dislike the claims that are being forced upon her by king Leontes

Short Answer Questions - Act 3, Scene 2

1. What does Leontes call for at the beginning of the trial?

At the beginning of the trial,  Leontes calls for "The prisoner"

2. What is one of the charges laid against Hermione at her trial?

One of the charges laid against Hermione is adultery

3. What does Hermione think is sufficient proof of her innocence?

Hermione thinks that her loyalty and behavior prior to Polixenes visit is sufficient proof of her innocence

4. What does Hermione say makes her life not worth living?

Hermione says that the accusations against her makes her life not worth living because she lost her children and her husband

5. Hermione tells her husband that his accusations exists only where?
Hermione tells her husband that his accusation only exist in his dreams

6. Who reads, at the trial, what the Oracle says?

An officer reads the Oracle at the trial

7. How does the Oracle characterize Leontes?

The Oracle characterizes Leontes as a jealous tyrant

8. What does the king live without, according to the Oracle, if that which is lost be not found?

The Oracle states that the king will live without an heir

9. Who tells the king that Mamillius dies?

A servant gives Leontes the news

10. What does Hermione do when she hears the news that Mamillius dies?

Hermione faints upon hearing the news

11. Who tells the king that the queen dies?

Paulina tells the King that Hermione has died

12. How many times does Leontes say he visits the graves of his wife and son?

Leontes promises to visit their graves once everyday

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